A collaboration mahi with the Hōhepa Trust in Christchurch
Hōhepa Canterbury is a disability support and service provider offering diverse living options, learning & activity programmes, community participation, and therapies – all inspired by anthroposophy.
When we initially engaged with management at Hohepa we were invited to create a waharoa. We undertook two separate hui where we were able to korero with Hohepa’s Arts representative. We were given the ability to create a contemporary waharoa. The colours have derived from some of the research mahithe hōhepa tangata developed.
Theres has been two parts to the installation mahi. The structural components of the waharoa were installed with the parts that make up the waharoa being installed at a later date 26th June 21. Materials used are wooden overlay patterns 18mm plywood, painted. The plastic sheeting is a 6.5mm satin sheet. The panels make up the two pou located at each side of the waharoa. Both pou will have internal lighting fitted.