Whakaraupō Kura is an initiative that upholds Māori toi. Through various kaupapa, we operate programmes and courses to discover the invaluable mātauranga within Te Ao Māori

The objectives of Whakaraupō Kura are to aspire our tauira to reach their greatest potential by utilising pūrākau as a vehicle to drive personal growth and development

Toi Hunga Toi Aro tauira

Our programmes utilise knowledge resourced by our Whakaraupō kaupapa as the basis for introducing and teaching Toi Māori creative techniques that uplift the identity and cultural awareness of our tauira

Our timetable & programmes are tailored to suit:

  • People wanting to explore a career pathway as a Toi Practitioners, Raranga and Whakairo
  • Schools
  • Youth development

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