Three Tamariki Tāne

Three tamariki tāne, Coby, Dayton, and Charlie from Pegasus Primary School called us up the other week with an idea. As it was coming to their last days of primary school, they took it upon themselves to find a way to symbolise their friendship before they take on high school. On their own initiative, they…

Wāhine, taonga and leadership

One of our most recent whakairo taonga has been a patu carved for Kendra Cocksedge, a rangatira within her rōpū who recently announced her retirement from professional rugby. Last night, before going to moe I was scrolling through TikTok, eventually coming to a video of mātua visibly experiencing ihi, wehi, and wana from their daughter…

Lincoln University Waharoa by George Edwards of Wairewa

Handling Taonga in the Whare Wānanga The remarkable whakairo waharoa carved by the late master carver George Edwards required periodic restoration and maintenance last week at Lincoln University. The wānanga has partnered with us to ensure their taonga goes through this process in a culturally sound way and ultimately to preserve the artistry of George…